If you don't have access to Google Play or wish to distribute an APK within you company you can purchase a downloadable APK directly from us.
By buying FolderSync for Android you are subject to our end user license agreement.
For purchase of large number of licenses or special needs contact us directly.
Requires Android 8.0 or newer. Tested to work on phones and tablets with Android OS. Android TV, Android Auto, Chromebook etc. are not officially supported (but might work). Does not require Google Play services to function. Does not require internet connection to function (if you want to sync on internal network).
A Personal license is an option for private individuals who purchase a license with their own funds, and solely for their own use. You are free to install this on all your Android devices in your household for the cost of 1 license.
A business license is the standard licensing option for organizations and business entities. Licenses are purchased by the company and can be used by any single person within this organization. Businesses can of course also buy the Google Play edition for their users individually, but the business license edition has some advanced features you might want in regards to onboarding users and distributing/managing configuration.
Consult documentation or contact us to hear more.
Our order process is conducted by our online reseller Paddle. Paddle.com is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle handles all customer service inquiries regarding payment and delivery. For technical assistance see the support page.
Upon purchase you will receive link to an APK file. This link will be updated to enable download of newer versions. You will have to check changelog for updates and download new version using link. There is no auto-updater in the application. For info on how to install APK file, se more info here: https://www.androidcentral.com/unknown-sources
FolderSync is the ultimate file syncing and backup solution for Android, Windows, Macos and Linux users.
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