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Here the various folderPair sync options are explained.


  • Name: Unique name of your choice.
  • Sync type: The type of sync.
    • To remote folder: Files will be uploaded to remote cloud/server folder only. Files will not be downloaded to device folder.
    • To local folder: Files will be downloaded to device folder only. Files will not be uploaded to remote folder.
    • Two-way: Files will both be uploaded to remote server and downloaded to device folder.
  • Remote folder: The remote folder to sync to/from. Can be selected after an account has been chosen.
  • Local folder: The local folder on the device to sync to/from.

Sync options

  • Sync sub-folders: Check this if sub-folders are to be synced. Enabled by default.
  • Sync hidden files: Check this if hidden files are to be synced. Enabled by default.
  • Sync deletions: Check this if deletions are to be synced. Use with care! Disabled by default.
  • Overwrite old files: Choose what to do if a file already exist at target. Default setting is to overwrite the old file, so the newest file is used, which would the setting for most to use if running a normal sync. Some people may only want a file to transfer once and then not be updated on changes, in that case set this to never.
  • If conflicting modifications: Choose what to do if a conflicting modification is detected. A conflicting modification is one where both the source and target file has been changed since last recorded sync. Default is to skip file, which will result in sync warnings.


  • Exclude from force sync: Select if you want to exclude this folderPair from syncing when pressing [Sync all] button on Sync Status screen.
  • Retry sync if failed: Enable to automatically retry a scheduled sync at 30 min delay from time of failed sync. Disabled by default.
  • Re-scan media library: Check this if media library should be updated for deleted or added media files.
  • Use MD5 checksums: Check this setting if MD5 checksum should be calculated for device files. May decrease sync speed and use extra battery, but can also result in less download and upload traffic. Does not have any effect in regards to remote files for cloud providers/protocols where MD5 checksum is not supplied. Disabled by default.
  • Use temp-file scheme: Check this setting, if you want to use temp-file scheme. Temp-file scheme means files are transferred using temporary name, and upon completion of transfer is renamed to the final filename. It offers more security as the original file is kept until the updated file has been uploaded (so if upload fails, the original file will not be gone/corrupted). This may break the functionality of some cloud providers (proper revisions etc.). Enabled by default.
  • Disable file-size check: Check this if transferred files should not be validated against source by comparing file-size. Some providers adds bytes to certain files when uploaded, so this setting can help in those cases.
  • Create local sync folder if missing: If you want the local device folder selected for folderPair to be created if it is missing. If this option is not enabled the sync will throw an error if the local device sync folder is not found, which is the safer option, so you don’t potentially risk deleting all cloud files if you have enabled deletions for folderPair and you accidentally rename the device folder etc.
  • Mark as stale if not synced in: Option to mark folderPair with yellow background in folderPair list if time since last sync is more than the hours specified.

Advanced - Monitor device folder

  • Instant sync: Select this for instant sync on change. Only detects changes on local device and may not work with external SD card or folders under Android/data on newer versions of Android. Can not be used with “Copy files to time-stamped folder” option or one-way sync to SD card. To work the folderPair must also be configured to sync on a schedule.

Advanced - One-way sync options

  • Move files to target folder: After syncing of files, the source files are deleted. Use with care! Disabled by default.
  • Only resync source files if modified: Enable this option if you want to be able to delete files in target folder without these files being synced from source again. For example if you sync pictures from your device to a cloud folder, and want to be able to keep them on device and delete them in the cloud folder without them being re-synced later by FolderSync from the device.
  • Copy files to time-stamped folder: With the corresponding naming pattern field this can be used to use FolderSync for backing up files. Each sync will backup all files to a new subfolder in the target folder named accordingly to the naming-pattern configured. This can thus only be used with one-way sync type. See this link for details on how to use a custom naming pattern. Default format is “yyyy-MM-dd”. You can add your custom string in single quotes, eg. “yyyy-MM-dd ‘Pictures’” and it will result in a backup folder named something like “2021-01-02 12.05.22 Pictures”. Don’t include the double-quotes when entering format in the app. Resulting folder name has to be allowed for the file system or sync will fail. Creating a nested folder structure with pattern is not supported.